10 years of cosplay - homepage revival
It's been 10 years since Kayleigh and me started cosplaying. To celebrate this we completely overworked our homepage during the last 5 months and we're far from finished. But we now reached a point where we could say "This is presentable to the public". So here we are!
One of the most important things we try to achieve with our new design and system is to be closer to our visitors, to communicate with them and to be next to them while presenting our works and the stuff that interests us. Also we wanted to have a place where we can present and order our costumes just the way we see fit and also as a team and not just as individual persons, because that's what we are. While we're still acting as individuals throughout this whole thing, we still stand as an entity, just like it is most of the time when we cosplay together.
I hope you like our new approach and look forward to all the new things which are still about to come!
A few of the things planned for the near future:
- Media section with videos and stuff
- A row of blogposts reviewing the last 10 years
- more WIPs and additional infos filed under the respective costumes
- Question & Answer Corner
- FAQs....
- Gems from the past
- Gems for the future
- .....
Stay tuned :)
I haven't been to visit your
I haven't been to visit your site for a while now, but seeing this change all I can say is that you did an amazing job! I'm looking forward to following you girls more actively again. I really admire the effort put into every costume you make and the skills you've earned over the years. Keep it up! :)
Thank you so much :) We hope
Thank you so much :) We hope to not disappoint you ^.-