
Critics? Praise? Questions? Smalltalk? - Leave us a message! 
But remember to be nice to each other, because we log all your IP addr- I mean... because being nice to each other is always the right thing. If you ask questions remember to leave your email adress, so we can properly answer you. :)

Previous entries

i love you majin & kay
i will keep loking your cosplay site till end of the world
im watching your cosplay since kingdom heartz IV
i hope that someday you will send one cosplay photo exlusivly for me [EMAIL][/EMAIL]
sorry for my bad english...LOVE YOU

I love the new layout. :3
it's awesome!!!
;-; I've missed seeing your cosplays!
:D can't wait for more! Luff you Majin and Kay :3 you two are awesome~!

MUCH love from me and my friends who love all your cosplays and ur pretty faces

we have one question, Could Kay and Majin put a Video up on youtube or here and speak English? we are really wanna hear you guys cause i wanna know what you guys sound like in English! please and thank you!

, Sirus and Friends

heyyyyy tolles neues design^^

meine freundinnen und ich sitzen hier und wir ham eure alten KH cosplay sachn durchgeglotzt..und wir wollten unbedingt bei google earth diesen platz suchn wo ihr die vids imma gedreht habt xD wir sitzen hier seit ewigkeiten und findens einfach nich :D

von zwischendrin:
isa: *sucht da in paderborn rum*
nana: neeein, bäume. da waren keine bäume ! -.-
isa: *sucht weiter*
mayu: parkplatz zu groß!
isa: *sucht weiter*
nana: da fehlt straße!
isa: Da IST straße!
nana: keine kurve in der straße -.-'
mayu: da war was kirchen ähnliches !
isa: *zeigt auf was*
mayu: Ein rotes haus!

jedenfalls..wollten wir nochma sagen dass wir euch so hamma toll finden *-* die perücken,kostüme und so einfach perfekt! ;D

P.S.: Mayu jault uns die ohren voll wegen deinen KH pullis majin -.-

I ♥ Deine Pullis *-* (wie haddu die gemacht?)

Tolles neues Design

So much LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE für das neue Layout :D

Feminin und cool und hübsch und farbtechnisch wunderbar <3<3<3~~
Me likez the superspecialawesome Icons...und alles andere auch xD

Allerdings war ich zu blöde das GB zu finden...FAYL...jaja XDD

Much love für euch! Und nice job :3

Ahoy there or just hi (:
Just wanted to ask which convention happening you are going at the next year? Thought it would awesome to come as rpg-player to another country for convention event and the might little bonus would be see you there or even change word or two... :')

Ahoy there! Or just hi ^^
Just wanted to asked are you still up to convention happenings in German? Really would love to see you there cosplaying and if even dare to ask: talk few words here and there. But still, would be awesome to see you somewhere :')

i noticed that you said you guys were into rpgs. i was wondering what kind because i do table topping as well as LARP with the Camarilla. mostly, ~embarrassed~ i was wondering if those were the kind of rpgs you did, or just video games (which are addictingly fun).

also, love your stuff, it always makes my day brighter. eiko1



There's some great talent here!

I really enjoyed your Kingdom Hearts videos. They are what lead me to this charming site.

Homosexuals are completely cool with me. Why put labels anyway?

Keep doing your stuff! Your costumes are so authentic.

Keep it real... or else! :P

