Uruha - Black MoralThe first cosplay I enoyed together with my love! Lend by her dear friend. :)
The GazettE - Invisible WallJ-Rock revival! After a long time of anime/manga cosplay we re-discovered our love for Gazette, especially because of Invisible Wall!
The GazettE - ReilaGazette's Reila is just so beautiful. All the costumes, the makeup, the song and everythign about it. So we had to cosplay it together!
The GazettE - DisorderIt's been our dearest wish to cosplay Reita and Ruki together because we really came to love them over the past months.
Random works
K project - small worldSaruMi during their middle-school time! We wanted to create the feeling of "their small world" through our photos. We hope you like it!
K project - SUPER PSYCHO LOVERWe wanted to do a really blody and dirty shooting at least once. There couldn't be a better choice than Yata and Fushimi!