Majin's picture
02/19/2015 - 18:18

Hey guys, I know it's a little late and it's been such a long time (and I'm always so busy, nontheless getting older and... gaaaaaa) .. but happy new year 2015!

Majin's picture
09/21/2014 - 20:38

Did you ever wonder how we're living? In 2014 we moved into a brand new apartment and bought a lot of new furniture :) 

Majin's picture
09/18/2014 - 22:20

Do you want to know what we're up to this winter for the next cosplay season? It's ...yaoi time again and we flashed ourselves with Dramatical Murder :) When the anime came out this summer, we gained interest and immediately played the game and the sequel (re:connect). We've been hooked since. The characters are so flashy and interesting, even though the outfits are...sometimes crazy. 

Personally I'm totally in love with the little Aoba, so my next cosplay plans involve a younger version of Aoba and the normal version from the game/anime. 

Kayleigh's picture
09/16/2014 - 22:29

Right before Connichi we managed to get our very own first Coscards. It had been very hard to chose the pictures plus settling for a cover.

Majin's picture
09/15/2014 - 22:15

Hi guys!

Damnit, we've been so inactive during the last weeks. Because we moved into our new apartment and had a lot of work to do, so we neglected the homepage a little. This is so sad, because we wanted to have a blog for so long ^^"

Anyway, there are a few new costumes, but we have to make proper photoshootings first.

Also this weekend Connichi in Kassel took place and we gave out our first coscards! Also we cosplayed LeviHan again and even made a new cosplay design for them. You will be able to see more of it soon I guess ^.-