Pandora Hearts - Jack & Glen


2012 - private shooting

Glen is one of the most mysterious characters in Pandora Hearts and you don't know who he really is until very late in the manga. I really adore this silent and composed being. He always looks so indifferent, but he is really cute too. <3

He shares a sad past with Jack and thats what connects them both. Jack seems to be the light to his darkness...

Making this costume took month. I had been very lazy, because I didn't know how to do the gradient for his coat in the first place. Then I tried something risky: first bleaching it and then re-colouring it. Thank god it worked really well for me!

Glen is one of my most favorite costumes, even if it took me so long to do it. I just love the little details and how the wig fits my face so nicely. 

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